When I first got into FPs I didn’t like the idea of blue ink, perhaps it was the color of Bic ballpoint blue in elementary school, or that its close to black which I also tend to shy away from, but these days I can’t get enough of the shade!  Luckily Robert Oster has just about every blue one can imagine.  I picked up Blue Water Ice right on the heels of Soda Pop Blue and Blue Ocean, but I must say this is my favorite of the bunch.

It comes in the standard RO plastic bottle with swab on top.


For this review I decided that my Conid CAISO Kingsize needed some action.


InkJournal Entry:


Ink Blob:



Ink Swab:



That #sheen tho!  It even comes out in normal writing on the edges of the letters, granted my Conid is tuned to be wet.  It is saturated with a good amount of shading as well. Definitely one of my favorite Robert Oster blues.  It did dry a little slower than other inks, but that is to be expected with higher sheening inks.  This may be one that I need 2…or 3 or 4 bottles of ^_^.

I leave you now with this photo of the amazing Tomahawk Steak that was devoured the other night 🙂
